Money Talk
Tips and Tricks to help you make better decisions and live your best financial life.
Closing on a home can be an intimidating, yet thrilling process. In this blog, we will discuss what to expect when you attend the closing. The closing usually takes place at a lawyer's office or a title company. There are many documents to sign but we encourage you to ask the attorney any questions that you may have.
As part of our Getting Fit - Physically, Mentally, and Financially series we are going to discuss screening tests, why are they so important and why should you get them? Which ones should you consider? Not only will they help you physically but they can help you financially in the long run.
It's the beginning of a new year and maybe one of your resolutions include working out on a regular basis and/or just getting fit in the new year. As part of our Getting Fit - Physically, Mentally, and Financially series we will discuss the pros and cons of a gym membership. There are many factors to consider and what may be a good fit for one person may not work for another.
Credit scores have been used for years to determine rates for personal loans, credit cards, and auto applications. Mortgage lenders also use credit scores as one of the factors when making loan decisions. Read our blog to learn more about how a credit score affects your loan.
In this series we’ll provide a holistic approach to taking care of yourself, with weekly topics that cover everything from grocery shopping to gym memberships. I hope you use these tips and find this information relevant and useful as a way to keep you motivated in 2022. Tune in every week to access a new blog!
Taking out a mortgage can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Preparation can help you avoid any surprises when figuring out your rate and associated fees. We've compiled a list of fees to keep in mind when evaluating your lender. Read our blog to learn more about what to expect and eliminate any surprises.
Yes, furry kids can run up the bills. Even a routine visit to the vet can result in hundreds of dollars spent. And what does that mean for your budget? As part of our ongoing series, Life on a Budget, we're taking the time to review the standard costs of owning a pet as well as ways to manage the unexpected.
The purpose of this post is to cover all those other expenses that come with owning a car - expenses you may forget to put into your budget or your plan when you're buying a car. In fact, these “extra” expenses can throw your entire budget out of whack. Why not learn more and make certain your budget is "breakdown proof?'
Whether you're just starting out, just starting over, or just feeling the need to gain some control and order with your finances, budgeting is something most of us must do at some point. I know, I know. You hear the word budget and think restrictive, limiting. But is it?